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Pipeline Safety

Most of you will remember that last year’s Pipeline Safety Act reauthorization included a provision requiring PHMSA to report back to Congress within 60 days on legislative recommendations for implementing the GAO report on reassessment intervals.  The GAO has recommended that Congress repeal the current seven-year mandate and replace… Read More

Pipeline Safety Update

INGAA is continuing to negotiate with PHMSA on generic technical criteria for raising the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of new and recent vintage pipelines.  These criteria will use the presently available PHMSA waiver authority to grant special permits to individual pipeline segments.  We have been successful in negotiating… Read More

Bingaman Letter May 2007

The Honorable Jeff BingamanChairmanEnergy and Natural Resources CommitteeU.S. SenateWashington, DC  20510 Dear Mr. Chairman: On behalf of the members of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), I am writing to express our support for section 273(b) of S. 1115, the Energy Efficiency Promotion… Read More

Blanket Certificate Waiver 122011

December 21, 2005 Chairman Joseph T. KelliherFederal Energy Regulatory Commission888 First Street, NEWashington, DC  20426 Re: Docket No. EM06-5-000 Dear Chairman Kelliher: On November 22, 2005, I wrote to express the appreciation of the members of the Interstate Natural Gas… Read More

Dingell and Boucher Letter on Climate Change Legislation

The Honorable Donald F. Santa, Jr.PresidentInterstate Natural Gas Asscociation of America10 G Street NE. Suite 700Washington, DC 20002 Dear Mr. Santa: As you know, the Committee on Energy and Commerce will be examining the issue of climate change and writing legislation for consideration by the… Read More

Eminent Domain Letter September 2005

The Honorable John Cornyn 517 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Cornyn: I am writing on behalf of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) to share our members’ views on S. 1313, the “Protection of Homes, Small Businesses… Read More

Hunter Bill Letter – HR 4881

April 5, 2006 The Honorable Dennis HastertSpeakerU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, DC  20515 On behalf of the members of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), I am writing to share our comments on H.R. 4881, the “National Defense Critical Infrastructure Protection Act of… Read More

Letter to Rahall

May 22, 2007 The Honorable Nick J. RahallChairmanCommittee on Natural ResourcesU.S. House of Representatives1324 Longworth House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515  Dear Chairman Rahall: The Independent Petroleum Association of America, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, and Natural Gas Supply Association represent the exploration,… Read More

Senate Energy Letter

Mr. Secretary: Last Thursday, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources heard from several witnesses about the significant damage to natural gas infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.  While damage assessments remain on-going, it is clear that there will be some… Read More

INGAA Files Relpy Comments in Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers

On April 30 INGAA filed reply comments in Docket No. RM07-1, Standards of Conduct for Transmission Providers.  INGAA requested that the Commission issue a final rule adopting the Interim Rule, modified as requested by INGAA in its Initial Comments. In its reply comments, INGAA stated that… Read More

Capacity Release � Coral and PG&E Comments

On April 11 INGAA filed comments in the PG&E and Coral Petitions regarding the Commission’s capacity release regulations.  PG&E petitioned FERC to remove the price cap on released capacity transactions.  Coral asked FERC to “clarify” various aspects of its capacity release regulations (see 3-07 Board Bulletin). Read More


AGA, IPAA and NGSA have agreed with INGAA to share in the costs of the economic modeling of climate change proposals using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS).  NEMS is the model that is used by the Energy Information Administration for its Annual Energy Outlooks and for responses to inquiries… Read More

Chairman Kelliher Nomination

On May 10, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on the nomination of FERC Chairman Joe Kelliher for another term.  According to Committee staff, the recent discussions between Chairman Kelliher and Energy Committee Chair Jeff Bingaman on natural gas market transparency have been positive,… Read More

Anti-Coal Campaign

Several weeks ago a new advertising campaign emerged in a number of publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and political journals such as The Hill and Roll Call, under the title “Face It, Coal is Filthy.”  The ads blasted the use of coal as an energy… Read More

INGAA Fly-In Meetings

Given the activity this spring and summer on energy and climate change legislation, INGAA has scheduled a member “fly-in” to meet with policymakers on May 15 and 16.   The appointments are still coming together, but we can expect meetings with approximately 12 Members of Congress.  INGAA has reached out… Read More

Climate Change and Energy Legislation

As reported previously, Congress has devoted much of the spring to hearings on climate change legislation.  One of the most active leaders in the debate, Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA, Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality) has made the point that climate change and energy policy… Read More

INGAA Files Comments To DOT Motor Carrier Hours of Service Rule

On March 10, INGAA filed comments to the Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act’s (FMCSA) notice of proposed rulemaking for drivers’ Hours of Service, 70 Fed. Reg. 3339 (January 24, 2005). The comments point out that INGAA members operate pipeline service vehicles to maintain the interstate… Read More

INGAA Supports Commissioner Kelly

March 18, 2004The Honorable George W. BushPresident of the United States1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, DC 20500 Attention: Dina Powell, Assistant to the President for Personnel Dear Mr. President:I am writing on behalf of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) to support the nomination of the Honorable… Read More

Pipeline PCB Contamination and Remediation Project

In the past, the natural gas transmission industry used lubricating oils containing PCBs in both gas turbines and air compressors to take advantage of these oils’ fire retardant properties. Apparently, as a result of the years of operation of gas turbines in gas transmission compressor stations, PCBladen oil was… Read More

Indexing Interstate Gas Transportation Rates

The INGAA Foundation retained Christensen Associates in May 1990 to study the indexing of interstate gas transportation rates. The eight-month project has included a number of tasks. First, we developed a statement of the public policy arguments favoring gas transport rate indexation. We next identified the major options in the… Read More