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Need for Natural Gas Increases with More Nuclear Plants Shut Down

There is now a broad consensus that there will be many nuclear plant shutdowns in the United States. For the first time, there is a need for serious supply-side response to the effect of nuclear plant shutdowns on regional U.S. energy supply. Possible nuclear plant shutdowns provide a… Read More

The Benefits of Retail Electricity Competition in Low-Cost States

It has become axiomatic that allowing consumers to choose their electric-energy supplier &om a competitive market will provide them greater benefits than those offered by the current regulated regime. There are concerns, however, that retail deregulation, the process through which consumers will gain the right to choose, will primarily… Read More

Natural Gas Pipeline Company-Contractor Alliances

As the Natural Gas Industry has become more competitive, methods to save on costs have fostered innovative solutions in the conduct of business. One such solution is the use of alliancelpartnering arrangements in lieu of traditional contracting methods. To assist MGAA Foundation members in the evaluation of alliancelpartnering arrangements,… Read More

North American Pipeline Safety Summit

Ronald L. Adams, Senior Vice President, Consolidated Natural Gas Company provided a program summary at the conclusion of the Summit that identified the critical issues facing the natural gas industry as it prepares for, and enters, the next century. When considering the issues, challenges and opportunities for enhancing the… Read More

River and Stream Crossings Study (Phase I)

There is a growing concern within the natural gas pipeline industry that turbidity based permit requirements for pipeline water crossings may be overly conservative and difficult if not impossibleto achieve. Many jurisdictions use turbidity, measured in nephlometric turbidity units (NTU), as ameans of measuring and controlling sediment released during… Read More

Temporary Right-of-Way Width Requirements for Pipeline Construction

The INGAA Foundation commissioned Gulf Interstate Engineering (GIE), a professional engineering firm, to undertake a study and make an objective determination of appropriate widths for safe, maneuverable pipeline construction rights-of-way. To ensure the objectivity of the study, GIE examined current practices and safety codes, surveyed pipelines and industry contractors,… Read More

Competitive Strategies for Natural Gas in the Converging Energy Market

Convergence is the implementation of technology gains and other innovations across an energy consuming market. Convergence in this study is more specifically defined as: The continuous progression of the natural gas and electric industries from separate and distinct operating markets to a consolidated dynamic market driven by competitive… Read More

Reducing Electric Transmission Constraints with Gas-Fired Power Generation

The electric power industry is preparing for a rise in customer demand and major urban load centers are requiring more electricty. As electric demand in urban areas rises, congrestion on the electric transmission system may increase. This study found that gas-fueled generation has the potential to increase electric generating capacity… Read More

Factors That Influence the Selection of Electric Motor Drives For Natural Gas Compressors

This report provides a summary and analysis of the strategic, engineering, and economic factors that currently influence the selection of eletric motor drives (EMD) for natural gas compressors, and provides an industry-based consensus on the future use of EMD. The industry consensus was derived from a survey of INGAA Foundation… Read More

Coordinating Federal Agency Review During the Environmental Approval Process

Building a natural gas pipeline requires careful review of whether the construction, operation and maintenance of the facility will affect water quality, cultural and historic resources, air quality, threatened and endangered species and many other aspects of the human environment. Numerous local, state and federal agencies are involved in these… Read More

Standards of Conduct INGAA Reply Comments 4-30-07

Pursuant to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NOPR”) issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or “Commission”) on January 18, 2007, as modified by order dated February 28, 2007, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) hereby submits its reply comments.  Only a few initial comments were… Read More

Form 2 INGAA Reply Comments 4-27-07

The Commission’s financial forms perform an important function by providing the Commission and the industry with a snapshot of the financial position of an interstate pipeline during the reporting period.  As they are currently designed, preparation of the forms does not require pipelines to engage in projections or to… Read More

Capacity Release INGAA Comments 4-11-07

INGAA submitted a response to questions posed by the Commission, along with comments on the petition for rulemaking to remove the cap on released capacity filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and Southwest Gas Company in RM06-21, and the petition for clarification of the capacity regulations riled… Read More

Standards of Conduct Initial Comments of INGAA 3-30-07

INGAA comments are in response to FERC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to establish new permanent affiliate regulations.  INGAA requests that the Commission issue a Final Rule in this docket consistent with the following comments: 1.The Commission should permanently exclude non-marketing affiliates from the reach of the… Read More

Form 2 Initial Comments of the INGAA 3-28-07

Pursuant to the Commission’s “Notice of Inquiry” into the need for changes or revisions to its reporting requirements for financial forms issued February 15, 2007, submits comments principally directed at the Commission’s Form Nos. 2 and 2-A, “Annual Report for Major and Nonmajor Natural Gas Companies.”  Those forms… Read More

Standards of Conduct Motion for Exention of Time 2-27-07

The Associations, on behalf of their respective members, submit a Motion to extend the period for filing initial comments for an additional 15 days until March 30, 2007, and to extend the period for filing reply comments for an additional 10 days until April 30, 2007 in the Commission’s… Read More

Section 1813 Native American Land Rights-of-Way Comments on Draft Report to Congress 5-2-07

INGAA submitted comments to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, urging that the US Department of Energy and US Department of the Interior (Departments) Draft Report to Congress required by section 1813 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 continues to misinterpret the nature of tribal sovereignty and tribal authority… Read More

Standards of Conduct Request for Expedited Clarification of INGAA 2-2-07

INGAA requests clarification or, in the alternative, rehearing of the FERC’s (Commission) Interim Rule issued on January 9, 2007.  The Interim Rule represents the Commission’s interim response to the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacating Order No. 2004 series of… Read More

HIOS/Petal Gas Storage Reply Brief of Intervenor INGAA in Support of Petitioners 2-15-07

INGAA filed an intervener’s reply brief in the HIOS/Petal litigation in the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. INGAA argues that FERC’s new rate of return policy, by basing pipeline returns on the returns earned by lower-risk LDCs, disregards the increased competition FERC has successfully fostered in the… Read More

HIOS/Petal Gas Storage Initial Brief of Intervenor INGAA in Support of Petitioners

INGAA argues that FERC departed from precedent in permitting use of lower-risk LDCs in the proxy group for setting Petitioners’ rates, and arbitrarily foreclosed use of gas pipeline MLPs as proxies for determining a gas pipeline’s rate of return. Read More