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International Gas Pipeline Expansion Study – 1995 Update

While global energy consumption has remained almost static since 1990, demand for natural gas has continued to rise: its share of the primary energy market across the world has now reached 23% (or over 70 trillion cubic feet (tco in volume terns) according to the 1994 BP review of… Read More

The Implications of PURPA Reform for the Natural Gas Industry

The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") has been, and continues to be, a net benefit for the natural gas industry. The gas industry should only support amendments to, or repeal of, PURPA if other statutory or regulatory steps are taken to ensure competition in the electric… Read More

Profile of Underground Natural Gas Storage Facilities and Market Hubs

Introduction New underground natural gas storage and market center hubs have been among the most dynamic aspects of the evolving North American natural gas markets. These developments stem fiom the impacts of FERC Order No. 636, which potentially increased the service value offered fiom these facilities. In particular,… Read More

Roundtable on Pipeline Construction Methods at River and Stream Crossings September 8

At the INGAA Foundation’s Midyear Meeting, it was decided to sponsor a roundtable to discuss the scope of a study which would review the increasing stringent requirements for stream and river crossing permits. The goal was to assess the overall environmental impact and costs of various methods and develop… Read More

Gulf of Mexico Natural Gas Resources and Pipeline Infrastructure

Introduction The Gulf of Mexico offshore area is one of the most important natural gas supply areas in the United States. This report was prepared by Foster Associates, Inc., on behalf of the INGAA Foundation, to promote greater understanding of the role this dynamic producing area plays in… Read More

Gas/Electric Operational Coodination

Gaslelectric operational coordination is required in order for each industry sector to optimize the value provided in competitive energy markets. The key to improving gaslelectric operational coordination is through improved communications. Improved communications can only occur if participants in the two industries work to understand each other’s operating constraints… Read More

Natural Gas Council’s Electric Generation Task Force: Final Report

The Natural Gas Council (Council) launched the Electric Generation Task Force (EGTF) in the fall of 1992 to respond to the dynamic, rapidly changing environment in which the electric and natural gas industries were operating. The Council envisioned the EGTF to be a forum where participants in the natural… Read More

Clean Air Act Regulatory Issues Impacting the Natural Gas Transmission Industry

The status of key issues related to operating permits, compliance assurance monitoring, ozone nonattainment controls for nitrogen oxides, and other air regulatory areas that were addressed in the 1995 INGAA Foundation Research Project are summarized below, including possible industry responses to the issues identified. Read More

Pipeline PCB Contamination Project 1996 Report

Piper and Marbury was retained by the INGAA Foundation to provide legal background for the development of positions for a filing on December 6, 1994 proposed revisions to the PCB rules. Ms. Toni Allen of Piper & Marbury assisted INGAA with filings made on May 1, 1995 and June 2… Read More

Future Technology Needs of the Natural Gas Pipeline Industry

The manner in which value is created in the natural gas industry is changing, and the role of pipelines in that value creation chain continues to evolve. Since R&D is one of the pillars that supports the strategy of any business, such changes call for a re-assessment of the… Read More

Natural Gas Use in Distributed Power Generation Applications

Distributed power generation is any small scale power generation technology that provides electric power at a site closer to customers than central station generation, and is usually interconnected to the transmission or distribution system. Capacities may range from about 500 kilowatts to 25 megawatts. Various technologies, including some fueled… Read More

The Future of the Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Business

The natural gas industry in the United States is undergoing major changes that are reshaping traditional roles, creating opportunities for new participants, and redefining the scope and character of government regulation. As the result of proposals at both the state and federal level to further "unbundle’ retail gas sales and… Read More

The Use of Liquefied Natural Gas For Peaking Service

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is becoming a sigdicant factor in providing gas service during peak times in a number of regions of the U.S. and Canada. Based on a survey of LNG facilities conducted for this study, there are currently 85 LNG plants in North America, 56 with liquefaction… Read More

Nuclear Power Plants and Implications of Early Shutdown for Future Natural Gas Demand

The nuclear power industry, along with the rest of the North American utility industry, is moving to a highly competitive, price-driven environment. Often perceived as a monolith, in this industry, like others, there are winners and losers. Despite very impressive improvements in O&M costs and output in recent years,… Read More

Natural Gas Pipeline Safety 1994 to 1997: The Change to a New Safety Paradigm

The safe and reliable transportation of America’s energy needs has long been a priority of the natural gas transmission industry. Year after year, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) statistics prove the industry to be the safest in the country. And while the safety record is enviable, pipeline companies conduct… Read More

El Panorama Futuro Para El Gas Natural Importado – En Espanol

Este reporte examina el panorama fbturo de las importaciones de gas natural a Estados Unidos durante la proxima decada, especialmente durante los afios 2000 y 2005. El reporte encuentra que la red norteamericana de transmision de gas se esta integrando cada vez mas. Cada una de las tres… Read More

Review of Natural Gas Pipeline Activity in Selected Regions of the World

The outlook for natural gas pipeline construction has never been brighter. Natural gas consumption has increased significantly over the years. Since 1985, world consumption of natural gas has increased 26%. World demand is now about 75 Tcf per year. The increase would probably have been higher had the… Read More

GISB’s Five Year Strategic Plan

Ernst & Young is pleased to submit this strategic planning assignment final report to the Gas Industry Standards Board (GISB). This effort was funded by the INGAA Foundation. The assignment involved collaboration with the GISB board, GISB members, and Ernst & Young specialists to develop a strategic view… Read More

Future Competitiveness of Existing Coal Plants: Implications of Increased Air Emissions Controls

Despite the significant air emissions requirements already in place, coalfired generation from existing plants is generally the cheapest way to generate electricity in the United States. For this reason, these plants constitute the core of the nation’s baseload generation. Competition and pressure for lower prices in the future… Read More

User Fees and Transaction Costs Involving Native American Lands

Representatives from the natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline, telecommunications and electric utilities industries gathered in Denver on September 26, 1997, to discuss land use, user fees, transaction costs, rights of way and other related issues as they apply to Native American lands. The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America… Read More