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INGAA adopts new pipeline safety guiding principles

WASHINGTON—Interstate Natural Gas Association of America members formally adopted Tuesday a set of five guiding principles for pipeline safety, renewing the gas-transmission industry’s commitment to safe and reliable pipeline operations.   The guiding principles stem from an INGAA board-level pipeline safety task force, established in December, charged with looking at… Read More

INGAA�s Don Santa outlines challenges

WASHINGTON— Interstate Natural Gas Association of America President and CEO Don Santa outlined the challenges and opportunities facing the natural gas and natural gas transmission industry in a speech to the Society of Gas Lighting-Society of Gas Operators today in New York City. “All of who… Read More

Pipeline Safety Statistics

Natural gas is an essential energy source for the nation, and pipelines are an essential part of the energy infrastructure. Pipelines are the safest way to move large amounts of energy. While all forms of transportation have risks, pipeline safety is continually improving, thanks to government regulation and industry initiatives. Read More

INGAA calls Senate pipeline safety authorization bill ‘constructive starting point’

WASHINGTON— A bill introduced today by Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) to reauthorize the Pipeline Safety Act is a “constructive starting point” for renewing the law that ensures the safety of the interstate natural gas pipeline system that delivers almost one quarter of the energy consumed by… Read More

New Report Finds Natural Gas Critical to a Smart Energy Future

Please see the attached press release. Read More

Performance Specification and Quality Assurance Requirements for Continuous Parameter Monitoring Systems and Amendments to Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources

  INGAA members operate equipment that requires continuous parameter monitoring systems (CPMS) for compliance assurance.  The proposed requirements in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specification 17 (PS 17) and 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, Procedure 4 (Procedure 4) will affect INGAA member operations.  INGAA comments discuss our concern that… Read More

INGAA Comments to EPA’s GHG Mandatory Reporting Rule Subpart W Reproposal

INGAA member companies transport more than 90 percent of the nation’s natural gas, through some 200,000 miles of interstate natural gas pipelines. INGAA member companies operate over 6,000 stationary natural gas-fired spark ignition IC engines and 1,000 stationary natural gas-fired combustion turbines, which are installed at compressor stations along the pipelines… Read More

INGAA Board Creates New Pipeline Safety Task Force

  At its board meeting today, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America announced the formation of a new executive-level task force on pipeline safety. Christopher A. Helms, Executive Vice President and Group CEO of NiSource Gas Transmission and Storage, has been appointed the Chairman of… Read More

INGAA Names Cathy Landry as Communications Director

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America and The INGAA Foundation Inc. today announced the appointment of Cathy Landry as the interstate natural gas pipeline trade association’s new director of communications, effective immediately. Please see attached press release for more information. … Read More

PIPA Press Release

Please see the attached PIPA press release. Read More

INGAA Responds to NTSB Update on San Bruno Accident

Please see the attached press release responding to the NTSB update on the San Bruno accident. Read More

Development of a Permit Program for Incidental Take of Migratory Birds

  The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (“MBTA” or “Act”) is a federal law administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS” or “Service”) that protects migratory birds. The Act carries out the United States’ commitment to four international conventions with Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Russia, respectively, which protect birds… Read More

INGAA Petition for Reconsideration – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines

       Pursuant to Clean Air Act (“CAA”) section 307(d)(7)(B), 42 U.S.C. § 7607(d)(7)(B), and for the reasons set forth below, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”)  petitions the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) to reconsider specific provisions of its Final Rule in “National… Read More

Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Efficiency

  This white paper, Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Efficiency, documents advances in pipeline, engine and compressor technology that have produced continuous efficiency gains in the natural gas transportation pipeline industry since the advent of long mileage pipelines.  The paper also reviews how factors such as the balance of pipe diameter… Read More

INGAA Elects Allan Bradley of Questar as INGAA Chairman

Please see the attached press release. Read More

INGAA’s Comments to GHG Mandatory Reporting Rule Regarding Subparts A and C

 INGAA member companies transport more than 85 percent of the nation’s natural gas, through over 200,000 miles of interstate natural gas pipelines. INGAA member companies operate over 6,000 stationary natural gas-fired spark ignition IC engines and 1,000 stationary natural gas-fired combustion turbines, which are installed at compressor stations along the… Read More

INGAA’s President

INGAA testimony on reauthorization of the Pipeline Safety Act. Read More

Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Facts

Pipeline Safety Facts  The interstate natural gas pipeline industry operates under clear regulations and robust safety standards that govern the design, construction, materials, operation and maintenance of all natural gas transmission pipelines. This industry benefits greatly from clear regulations and robust safety standards that have been in place for… Read More

San Bruno Accident Statement

Statement of INGAA President Donald Santa regarding the pipeline accident in San Bruno, CA. Read More

INGAA’s Written Comments to PCB ANPRM

 INGAA’s comments to the EPA’s ANPRM are in large part founded on the collective experience, knowledge, and expertise of its constituent members. Altogether, INGAA’s membership represents many decades of practical, hands-on experience dealing with those isolated segments of the interstate natural gas transmission system that were impacted by PCBs. While there… Read More