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Gas transmission industry expresses concern with EPA’s new methane proposal

WASHINGTON— Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today said the natural gas transmission industry is concerned about the Environmental Protection Agency proposed methane regulations, released today. “While we haven’t had a chance to review fully the 500-plus page proposal, INGAA is… Read More

Integrating Culture and Leadership: Making Safety Personal

Introduction A company’s culture is often described as “the way we do things around here” or “the unwritten rules.” Culture arises from shared values and beliefs held within the organization, which lead to shared norms of behavior. These behavioral norms are reinforced over time as they lead to successful… Read More


PJM Interconnection – a regional transmission organization that coordinates wholesale electricity for 13 states and the District of Columbia – and several large natural gas pipelines that provide fuel for electric power generators in the PJM footprint have agreed to work more closely with each other to improve operational planning… Read More

INGAA joins 259 associations in letter urging President Obama to maintain EPA�s ozone protection standard

INGAA joined 259 associations and businesses in a letter urging President Obama to maintain Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s existing ozone (smog) protection standard at 75 parts per billion (ppb) rather than making the standard more stringent. EPA is considering a range of options including 70, 65 or 60 ppb. Read More

INGAA submits comments to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that interstate gas pipelines pose minimal hazards to migratory birds

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), a trade association that advocates regulatory and legislative positions of importance to the interstate natural gas pipeline industry in North America, respectfully submits these comments in response to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (the Service)’s Notice of Intent (the Notice) to… Read More

Gas transmission industry seeking ways to reduce methane emissions

Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today said the natural gas transmission industry was taking voluntary steps to reduce methane emissions and would review the Environmental Protection Agency’s  Natural Gas Methane Challenge for opportunities to make  additional reductions.   “INGAA welcomes the opportunity… Read More

INGAA Comments on FERC’s Cultural Resource Guidelines

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Guidelines for Reporting on Cultural Resources Investigations for Pipeline Projects Docket No. AD15-10-000 COMMENTS OF THE INTERSTATE NATURAL GAS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC or Commission) April 21, 2015 Notice of Intent to Update the… Read More

INGAA Blog: Average methane emissions from gas transmission and storage sector 27 percent lower than government estimates

  Blog   Average methane emissions from gas transmission and storage sector 27 percent lo wer than government estimates  By Don Santa, INGAA’s president and CEO Earlier today, the journal Environmental Science & Technology released a report finding that methane emissions from the natural gas transmission and storage… Read More

Don Santa Testifies on Pipeline Safety Before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power

Good morning Chairman Whitfield, Ranking Member Rush and members of the Subcommittee. My name is Donald F. Santa, and I am President and CEO of theInterstate Natural Gas Association of America, or INGAA. INGAA represents interstate natural gas transmission pipeline operators in the U.S. and Canada. The pipeline systems operated… Read More

INGAA Comments in Response to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Interim 4(d) Rule for Northern Long-Eared Bat

On July, 1, 2015, INGAA submitted supplemental comments in response to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)’s interim 4(d) rule (Interim Rule) for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB).  A number of INGAA members own and operate natural gas assets within the White-Nose Syndrome Buffer Zone (Buffer Zone) and will… Read More

INGAA signs on letter to the president regarding ozone standards

Dear Mr. President: This week you are scheduled to address the nation’s mayors—the lawmakers responsible for the economic prosperity and development in cities across the country. As you do, the undersigned organizations, representing a broad spectrum of the economy, write to express our deep concern with the Environmental Protection Agency’s… Read More

INGAA lauds panel passage of pipeline rights of way bill

Martin Edwards, vice president of legislative affairs, of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today lauded the House Resource Committee for advancing  H.R. 2295, a bill to amend the Minerals Leasing Act allow natural gas pipelines to be treated like other infrastructure – including electric lines,  water lines and… Read More


  The American Gas Association (“AGA”), the American Public Gas Association (“APGA”), and the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) (collectively, “the Associations”) respectfully request that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) clarify the date interstate natural gas pipelines must implement the revised North American Energy Standards Board (“NAESB”)… Read More

INGAA�s comments to EPA�s Proposed Rule on Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards: State Implementation Plan Requirements

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center Mailcode: 28221T 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20460   Re: “Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards: State Implementation Plan Requirements,” Proposed Rule (Docket No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2013–0691)   To Whom It May Concern:   The Interstate Natural Gas… Read More

Natural Gas Council sends letter to FERC regarding further scheduling deliberations at NAESB

The Natural Gas Council sent a letter to Chairman Bay of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) on May 15, 2015 regarding prioritizing implementation of the new pipeline scheduling timeline prior to embarking on further scheduling deliberations through the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB).   The Natural… Read More

Letter from INGAA to Reps. MacArthur and Richmond supporting H.R. 2295

May 19, 2015   The Honorable Tom MacArthur 506 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Cedric Richmond 240 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515 Dear Reps. MacArthur and Richmond, On behalf of the members of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), thank you for… Read More

INGAA Letter to Senate Energy Committee on Pipeline Permitting

 DONALD F. SANTA PRESIDENT & CEO INTERSTATE NATURAL GAS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 20 F STREET,NW, SUITE 450 ·WASHINGTON, DC 20001 May 18, 2015 The Honorable Lisa Murkowski Chairman Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Maria Cantwell Ranking… Read More

Don Santa Testifies on Pipeline Permitting Before the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power Committee on Energy and Commerce

If enacted, the draft bill before the subcommittee today would modestly improve the permitting process by introducing additional transparency and accountability for federal and state permitting agencies. INGAA supports these steps, but continues to urge Congress to create real consequences for agencies that fail to meet reasonable deadlines. The intent that motivates the draft… Read More

INGAA raises concerns with FEMA’s Floodplain Management Guidelines

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), a trade association that advocates regulatory and legislative positions of importance to the interstate natural gas transmission pipeline industry in North America, respectfully submits these comments in response to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s Revised Guidelines for Implementing Executive Order 11988,… Read More