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Proxy Group INGAA Long-term Growth Comments 12-21-07

In response to the Commission’s “Notice of Technical Conference and Request for Additional Comments,”[1] issued on November 15, 2007, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) hereby submits the following additional comments on the long-term growth component of the Commission’s DCF model. Attached is an analysis… Read More

Capacity Release INGAA Comments 1-25-08

On January 25, INGAA filed comments on the Commission’s notice of proposed rulemaking in which it proposed to lift the maximum rate cap on short-term capacity release transactions and relax the tying prohibition and bidding requirements to facilitate asset management agreements (AMAs).  LDCs and… Read More

Natural Gas Council Analysis of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Regulation Bill (S. 3036)

(Washington, DC) A new study by the Natural Gas Council concludes that legislation to be debated in the U.S. Senate this week is likely to increase natural gas demand without addressing the need for increased supply. David Parker, president and CEO of the American Gas Association, was one of… Read More

Summary of the Natural Gas Council�s Analysis of S. 3036

In October 2007, U.S. Senators Joseph I. Lieberman (Independent-CT) and John W. Warner (Republican-VA), chairman and ranking member of the Senate Subcommittee on Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection, introduced S. 2191, America’s Climate Security Act of 2007. Following action by the Committee on Environment… Read More

General Conformity Regulations

The Clean Air Act (CAA) general conformity provisions state that: No department, agency or instrumentality of the Federal Government shall engage in, support in any way or provide financial assistance for, license or approve any activity which does not conform to a [CAA] state implementation plan [SIP] after it has… Read More

Statistical Analysis of External Corrosion Anomaly Data of Cased Pipe Segments

   Cased pipe segments are generally believed to be very safe; however, external corrosion compromising the integrity of the cased pipes does exist. The primary types of external corrosion include atmospheric corrosion and corrosion by electrolyte. The external corrosion by electrolyte occurs when cathodic protection (CP) is shielded, for instance,… Read More

Waste Heat Recovery Opportunities for Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines

This white paper, Waste Heat Opportunities for Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, prepared for INGAA by Bruce A. Hedman, an expert on distributed generation and waste energy recovery with the consulting firm of EEA-ICF, analyzes the current status and future potential for three energy efficiency applications – power generation from waste… Read More

Integrity Characteristics of Vintage Pipelines

This report has evaluated vintage pipelines in reference to the historical evolution of the natural-gas pipeline system in the US, and the related evolution of steel and pipe making practices, and pipeline construction practices to meet the needs of that system.  The potential for anomalies in this system has been… Read More

EPA Final Rules � Spark Ignition IC Engine NSPS and IC Engine NESHAP Amendments

The EPA signed the Final IC Engine Rules on December 20 and posted the signature version on-line on December 21.  The Final Rule was published in the Federal Register today, January 18, 2008.  The "consolidated" rule includes the Spark Ignition IC Engine NSPS (Part 60, Subpart JJJJ) and amendments to… Read More

U.S. Environmental Protection Agencies’ and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers� Guidance Regarding Clean Water Act Jurisdiction After Rapanos

The natural gas pipeline industry constructs new pipelines in hundreds of acres of wetlands annually and conducts maintenance operations in approximately 2,800 acres of wetlands. These projects also cross hundreds of thousands of tributaries and streams in a given year. These activities require permitting and mitigation, typically under the… Read More

Interstate Pipeline Desk Book

In a single, easy-to-use volume, the Desk Book captures a wealth of background information about the interstate natural gas pipeline industry in the United States. The Desk Book spans many topics,including the evolution of natural gas regulation, current challenges facing the industry, the legal and regulatory framework under which pipelines… Read More

INGAA Foundation welcomes Richard Hoffmann as new Executive Director

  Richard Hoffmann Named as Executive Director of the INGAA Foundation   WASHINGTON– The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) announced today that Richard R. Hoffmann will join… Read More

Form 2 INGAA Comments 11-13-07

INGAA submits the following comments on the Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend its forms, reports and statements for natural gas companies (i.e., Forms 2, 2-A, and 3-Q). The Commission’s proposal will require INGAA’s interstate natural gas pipeline members to provide additional and more detailed information regarding their sources of revenue and… Read More

Implementation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Enforcement Program

This White Paper, Implementation of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Enforcement Authority, expresses the collective views of a broad brange of energy trade associations regarding current enforcement policy and activities of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or the Commission).  The White Paper supports for the spirit of… Read More

Energy Transfer Partners Motion of INGAA for Limited Intervention 10-31-07

Pursuant to Rules 209, 210, and 214 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 C.F.R. §§ 385.209, 385.210, and 385.214, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) moves to intervene in this proceeding.  Although the Commission did not provide for intervention in this investigation proceeding instituted… Read More

Suggestions on How to Improve the Endangered Species Act

Since the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) was enacted, federal agencies and courts have struggled to balance species conservation and recovery with economic and development concerns. Industry often struggles with ESA requirements that delay development projects and increase costs while not necessarily providing commensurate species and habitat benefits. Conservation organizations… Read More

Review and Analysis of the FERC Pre-filing and Traditional Filing Processes for Natural Gas Act Section 7 Applications

In order to obtain approval for construction of an interstate natural gas pipeline, a pipeline company must file a detailed project plan with the FERC, including comprehensive reports that discuss baseline environmental conditions and potential impacts to resources from the project.  Before the Commission will authorize construction, it… Read More

INGAA Comments to Senators Lieberman and Warner regarding S. 2191

On October 31, 2007, INGAA submitted initial comments to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee regarding the Lieberman/Warner climate bill, S. 2191, the America’s Climate Security Act of 2007. The INGAA comments urge Congress to recognize natural gas as a bridge fuel to a low carbon economy and suggest… Read More

Comparison of Integrity Management Assessment Techniques for Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines

This report was prepared in order to provide a high level view of the integrity assessment process for pipelines operating under an integrity management program. Specifically, this report looks at the tools and processes used during the integrity assessment or inspection and the results of these efforts. The… Read More

Greenhouse Gas Initiatives Analysis Using the National Energy Modeling System

The Natural Gas Council (NGC), representing every segment of the U.S. natural gas industry, released today the results of a comprehensive study analyzing S. 280, the Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007, introduced by Senators Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) and John McCain (R-AZ) that seeks to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)… Read More