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INGAA Files Comments on Enhanced Natural Gas Market Transparency

These comments build upon comments that are being filed in this docket by an extraordinarily broad coalition of groups representing the natural gas community from wellhead to burner tip. The members of this coalition, including INGAA, urge the Commission not to move forward with increasing the frequency or granularity of natural… Read More

INGAA Files Joint Comments on Enhanced Natural Gas Market Transparency

Pursuant to the Notice of Inquiry (“Notice”) issued November 15, 2012,1 by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“Commission”) in the above-referenced proceeding, American Forest & Paper Association, Inc.,2 the American Gas Association,3 the Gas Processors Association,4 the Independent Petroleum Association of America,5 the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America,6 the Natural… Read More

INGAA Comments on DOE LNG Export Study

Dear Secretary Chu:   We are writing to you to voice the strong support of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) for the findings of the recent study on liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports by NERA Consulting. The report, conducted on behalf of your agency, succinctly outlined the… Read More

Building Interstate Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines: A Primer

This INGAA Foundation report, completed in January 2013, explains how interstate natural gas pipelines are constructed from the planning stages to completion. The construction primer is designed to help the reader understand what is done during each step of construction, how it is done, the types of equipment used, and… Read More

Practical Implementation of a Construction Quality Management System (CQMS) RFP

The Practical Implementation of a Construction Quality Management System (QMS) study proposal is a continuation of the QMS efforts conducted to date by the INGAA Foundation. This study proposal is intended to provide practical guidance on implementing a QMS for pipeline construction projects. RFP- QMS Practical Implementation 1-17-13… Read More

Federal authorizations for interstate natural gas pipeline projects taking longer since passage of EPAct 2005

WASHINGTON—The time to obtain required federal permits from agencies other than the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for interstate natural gas pipeline projects actually has increased since the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, a law with the stated intent to streamline and expedite federal authorizations for such projects,… Read More

INGAA files gas-electric communication comments in Docket No. AD12-12

INGAA filed comments on January 7, 2013 in response to a FERC notice scheduling a technical conference on gas-electric information sharing. INGAA appreciates FERC’s initiative to foster coordination between interstate natural gas pipelines and electric generation dispatching entities. INGAA also supports improving electric reliability through enhanced coordination, including enhanced information sharing,… Read More

Expedited Federal Authorization of Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines: Are Agencies Complying with EPAct?

  Executive Summary   This report presents a study showing that the time to obtain required federal authorizations from agencies other than the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) for interstate natural gas pipeline projects has actually increased since the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct… Read More

INGAA Comments to EPA’s Proposed Amendments to the NSPS for Stationary Combustion Turbines

INGAA comments on annual charge filing procedures RM12-14

  The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) is proposing to amend its regulations at 18 C.F.R. § 154.402 to revise the filing requirements for natural gas pipelines that choose to recover Commission-assessed annual charges through an annual charge adjustment (ACA) clause. The Commission is proposing to eliminate the annual… Read More

Interstate natural gas pipelines committed to safety

Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today released the following statement on the National Transportation Safety Board’s decision to include pipelines on its 2013 Most Wanted List of transportation safety issues: “The natural gas pipeline transmission industry is committed to safe and reliable… Read More

INGAA post-technical conference comments on gas-electric integration AD12-12

As a follow-up to the series of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) technical conferences on the coordination of natural gas and electricity markets, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) submits the following post-technical conference comments. INGAA appreciates the Commission’s leadership in bringing together stakeholders to discuss… Read More

The Role of Pipeline Age in Pipeline Safety

  Executive Summary This paper demonstrates that the age of a natural gas transmission pipeline, in and of itself, is not the most important factor affecting the safety of that pipeline. This paper’s review of incidents reported to the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety… Read More

Knowledge Management for the Natural Gas Transmission Industry

  Knowledge Management for the Natural Gas Transmission Industry Executive Summary The natural gas industry and the people it serves would benefit if companies were to implement a more robust process to capture knowledge. Most companies – both inside and outside of the interstate natural gas pipeline industry… Read More

INGAA President comments on election

Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today released the following statement on the results of the presidential and Congressional elections and on the natural gas pipeline industry’s willingness to work with the nation’s newly elected leaders: “The natural gas pipeline industry looks… Read More

INGAA’s Comments on PHMSA’s Valves Study Draft Research

20121026_INGAA_Comments_Valves_(Final).pdfDownload… Read More

INGAA’s Comments on PHMSA’s Leak Detection Study Draft Research

Spectra Energy’s Joe Ramsey elected INGAA Foundation chairman

Joseph E. Ramsey, group vice president of project execution for Spectra Energy Transmission, was elected chairman of The INGAA Foundation Inc. at the Foundation’s annual meeting in Naples, Florida, November 3. “Joe is extremely knowledgeable about what it takes to construct and expand a pipeline. His expertise and long-standing relationships… Read More

INGAA comments on Hurricane Sandy

In response to questions about how the interstate natural gas pipeline system is handling the Hurricane Sandy, Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today released the following statement:            “The interstate natural gas pipeline system continues to weather the storm well. INGAA members… Read More

INGAA Comments to PHMSA Revision to Gas Transmission Annual Report