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House Pipeline Safety Bill Letter

Dear Chairman Shuster and Chairman Upton, On behalf of the members of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), I am writing to express our support for S. 2276, the PIPES Act of 2016. INGAA represents interstate natural gas transmission pipeline operators in the U.S. Read More

INGAA Amicus Brief

UNOPPOSED MOTION OF THE INTERSTATE NATURAL GAS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA FOR LEAVE TO FILE AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) respectfully moves under Local Civil Rule 7(o) for leave to file a brief as amicus curiae in support of… Read More

INGAA responds to EPA’s request for information for the Natural Gas Transmission and Storage NESHAP (40 CFR

In November 2011, INGAA commented on proposed amendments. In response to final Subpart HHH amendments published in August 2012, INGAA submitted a request for reconsideration in September 2012. INGAA understands that EPA likely will amend Subpart HHH after evaluating new information received from interested stakeholders. In addition to responding to… Read More

INGAA Comments on EPA Proposed Revisions to Test Methods

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), a trade association of the interstate natural gas pipeline industry, respectfully submits these comments in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rulemaking (Proposed Rule), “Revisions to Test Methods, Performance Specifications, and Testing Regulations for Air Emission Sources.” The Proposed Rule… Read More

INGAA supports Infrastructure Week

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America today announced its support for Infrastructure Week, a national advocacy and educational event, taking place May 16-23. Across the country, businesses, labor organizations, elected officials and others will join to educate citizens and policymakers on how #InfrastructureMatters to their businesses and jobs, communities,… Read More

INGAA president comments on new methane rule

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today commented on  a new Environmental Protection Agency final rule targeting methane emissions from new and modified natural gas facilities. “INGAA, while disappointed the Environmental Protection Agency opted to proceed with regulation of methane emissions… Read More

A Practical Guide for Pipeline Construction Inspectors

This guide provides the details related to the role of the Owner Company’s Pipeline Construction Inspector (“Inspector”), in terms of monitoring and inspection requirements throughout the lifecycle of the pipeline construction process. This document is written to address general inspection duties. Read More

Mitigation of Land Movement in Steep and Rugged Terrain for Pipeline Projects

Land movement, particularly in variable, steep, and rugged terrain, can pose a threat to the integrity of a pipeline if those threats are not mitigated. The INGAA Foundation Inc. contracted Golder Associates Inc. to review mitigation efforts on pipeline alignments or rights of way (ROWs), in an effort to educate and inform… Read More

Finding the Facts on Methane Emissions: A Guide to the Literature

The purpose of this report is to show the range and results of methane studies in the public literature. The results and findings in the studies referenced in this report vary significantly. Scientific methods and uncertainty principles need to be employed rigorously in evaluating these studies. Given the significant variation… Read More

Methane Studies Guide Provides Fact-based Insight for Policy Decisions

Leaders of the Natural Gas Council (NGC) today released an independent, objective and fact-based guide to more than 70 different analyses of methane emissions from natural gas systems. The report, “Finding the Facts on Methane Emissions:  A Guide to the Literature,” was authored by ICF International and identifies several recurring… Read More

INGAA sends letter to House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee in support of pipeline safety reauthorization bill

Dear Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member DeFazio,   On behalf of the members of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), I am writing to express our views on H.R. 4937, the PIPES Act of 2016. INGAA represents interstate natural gas transmission pipeline operators in the U.S. and Canada. The pipeline systems… Read More

INGAA president comments on PHMSA natural gas transmission safety proposal

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today comment on the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s natural gas transmission safety rule, released today:  “We are encouraged that the long-awaited proposal has been released, and we intend to submit comments to… Read More

North America Midstream Infrastructure through 2035: Leaning Into the Headwinds

Background The widely recognized 2014 INGAA Foundation infrastructure study projected significant infrastructure development, driven by robust market growth and continued development of North American unconventional natural gas and crude oil supplies. Market conditions have changed dramatically since completion of that study, warranting an updated analysis of infrastructure development. This new… Read More


The United States and Canada will require annual average midstream natural gas, crude oil and natural gas liquids midstream infrastructure investment of about $26 billion per year, or $546 billion (real 2015$) total over the 21-year period from 2015 to 2035, a new study finds.  The report, North American Midstream… Read More

U.S., Canada to require $546 billion in gas, oil and NGL infrastructure investment

Washington, April 12, 2016 — The United States and Canada will require annual average midstream natural gas, crude oil and natural gas liquids midstream infrastructure investment of about $26 billion per year, or $546 billion (real 2015$) total over the 21-year period from 2015 to 2035, a new study finds. … Read More

INGAA comments on EPA’s proposed revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule for Leak Detection Methodology

Summary of INGAA Comments 1. INGAA supports consistency between different regulatory programs in order to reduce redundancies and allow for consistent use of measurement techniques and reporting. 2. This Proposed Rule is premature since it incorporates provisions from EPA’s proposed New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) and Subpart OOOOa for methane… Read More

Gas Transmission NPRM: Request for Extension

INGAA, together with the American Gas Association, the American Petroleum Institute, the American Public Gas Association, the Gas Processors Association and the Independent Petroleum Association of America filed March 25 with PHMSA for a 60-day extension of the comment deadline for Docket No. PHMSA-2011-0023, Pipeline Safety: Safety of Gas Transmission… Read More

NAESB list of Pipeline Companies URLs

The North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) has a list of URLs for pipeline companies available to the public at the following link: printed_url_of_pipelines_NAESB.pdfDownload… Read More

Don Santa Testifies Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power Committee on Energy and Commerce

INGAA opposes a provision of Pipeline Safety reauthorization draft that would allow an individual to petition a federal district court to enjoin the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) in connection with that agency’s alleged failure to act. Read More