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CS-G-2 Job Safety Analysis

CS-G-2 JSA initial publication 6-16-17.pdfDownload… Read More

Multigroup Letter to the Senate Leadership on FERC Nominee Confirmations

Dear Majority Leader McConnell and Democratic Leader Schumer: The undersigned associations urge you to act quickly to restore a quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). FERC has lacked a quorum for more than four months, placing energy infrastructure permitting and approvals on an indefinite hold and creating… Read More

INGAA Foundation names Jason Goldstein incoming executive director

The INGAA Foundation announced that industry veteran Jason M. Goldstein will formally assume the role of executive director of the organization, upon the August 31 retirement of Richard Hoffmann. Goldstein joined the Foundation staff in June to work with Hoffmann and the Foundation team to create a smooth transition. As… Read More

INGAA president lauds Senate panel action FERC nominees; urges prompt confirmation by full Senate

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today lauded the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee’s decision to “report out” favorably the nominations of Neil Chatterjee and Robert Powelson to serve as members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission:   “We… Read More

Supplemental Comments of AGA

The American Gas Association (AGA), the Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL), the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) and GPA Midstream Association (GPA) jointly submit the attached ICF technical report, “Feasibility and Impacts of Domestic Content Requirements for U.S. Oil and Gas Pipelines”… Read More

Role of Management Systems in Achieving Our Goal of Zero Incidents

Role of Management Systems in Achieving Our Goal of Zero Incidents v0.pdfDownload… Read More

Foundation for an Effective Safety Culture

INGAA 2011 – Safety Culture Executive Summary.pdfDownload… Read More

National Infrastructure Week is Here!

This week, businesses, workers, elected leaders and everyday citizens will come together to observe National Infrastructure Week. The week focuses on one message: It’s time for America to build much-need infrastructure. Every business and organization in the U.S. depends on infrastructure, and energy infrastructure – the means to transport energy… Read More

INGAA�s Comments on EPA�s Evaluation of Existing Regulations (Water)

To reduce the regulatory burdens on interstate pipeline and other infrastructure projects created by the uncertainties in the Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 certification process, INGAA recommends that EPA amend its regulations implementing CWA Section 401 to ensure that states comply with the statutory requirement to act on water… Read More

INGAA�s Comments on EPA�s Evaluation of Existing Regulations (Air)

Over the years, INGAA has commented on many EPA rulemakings and provided technical data and other content to facilitate the development of better federal regulations and policies. In these comments, INGAA raises many of these same concerns to EPA’s attention in order to identify issues that warrant regulatory review. These… Read More

INGAA president lauds action on FERC nominees; urges prompt Senate confirmation

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today lauded the White House for announcing its intent to nominate two individuals as commissioners to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and thus – if the individuals are nominated and confirmed—restore the quorum at FERC,… Read More

Don Santa’s Testimony Regarding the Legislation Addressing Pipeline and Hydropower Infrastructure Modernization

Good morning Chairman Upton, Ranking Member Rush and the members of the subcommittee.  My name is Donald Santa, and I am president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, or INGAA.  INGAA’s members transport the vast majority of the natural gas consumed in the United States… Read More

Don Santa’s Testimony Regarding the State of Railroad

Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee:   Good morning. My name is Donald Santa, and I am President and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA). INGAA represents the interstate natural gas pipeline industry. INGAA’s members transport the vast majority of the natural gas… Read More

Inquiry Regarding the Commission�s Policy for Recovery of Income Tax Costs

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) submits reply comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Commission) Notice of Inquiry Regarding the Commission’s Policy for Recovery of Income Tax Costs (NOI), issued on December 15, 2016, pursuant to the schedule established by the Commission.  INGAA submitted initial comments in this… Read More

Joint Comments on the Construction of Pipelines Using Domestic Steel & Iron

The American Gas Association (AGA), the Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL), the American Petroleum Institute (API), the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) and GPA Midstream Association (GPA) jointly submit these comments in response to the Department of Commerce (“Commerce”) Notice and Request for Comments entitled, “Construction of… Read More

Make a call to 811 a part of your springtime digging plans

Spring is finally here. With the snow melted and the ground ready for planting, eager homeowners are gearing up to start outdoor digging projects. Before you reach for that shovel to start digging, remember to call 811, the national call-before-you-dig number, to ensure that your buried utility… Read More

Make a Call to 811 Part of Your Springtime Digging Plans

With the arrival of spring, eager homeowners are gearing up to start outdoor digging projects. But before reaching for that shovel to start digging, remember to call 811, the national call-before-you-dig number, to ensure that buried utility lines and pipelines are marked. The Common Ground Alliance and its 1,700 members,… Read More

INGAA president comments on new executive order

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today explained that while President Trump repealed the White House Council of Environmental Quality’s Obama-era climate guidance for National Environmental Policy Act reviews, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will continue to consider environmental consequences –… Read More

INGAA Comments on Cultural Resource Report Guidelines

Pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (“FERC” or “Commission”) January 25, 2017 Notice of Availability of the Revised Guidelines for Reporting on Cultural Resources Investigations for Pipeline Projects and Request for Comments (“the Notice”),[1] the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) respectfully submits the following… Read More