Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Independence Day! This is the time to fire up the barbecue, spend time outside, and relax with family and friends while celebrating America’s birthday. It is also the time to reflect on everything America is built on, such as freedom, hard work and self-sustainability.

While you’re enjoying the holiday festivities, we hope you will take a moment to consider how natural gas helps improve your celebrations on this commemorative day.

The grill you are using the cook your signature burgers is probably powered by propane, one of the main components available through processing natural gas. The food preservatives that kept the burger patties fresh until they hit the grill are made from acetic acid, which is created from the methanol made by natural gas.  And where would you be without those tiki torches that keep those pesky mosquitos away from the party? Most mosquito repellents include hydrocarbon gases that come from natural gas processing such as butane, isobutane or propane. So, natural gas played a role in making that bug-free evening a reality.

This holiday is meant to give us an opportunity to be thankful for all that we have in this great country. We are where we are today thanks to innovative thinkers and our abundant and affordable natural resources, including clean-burning natural gas. So, after you take a moment to reflect, get back to enjoying time with your loved ones. Oh, and don’t burn the burgers!