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INGAA board elects Iroquois Pipeline President Jeff Bruner chairman

The board of directors of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America announced the election October 26 of Iroquois Pipeline Operating Company President Jeffrey Bruner as chairman of the INGAA board of directors for a one-year term from October 2017 to October 2018.   “As the chairman of INGAA, Jeff… Read More

Energy Industry Associations File Comments with FERC Opposing Rule Proposed by Energy Secretary Perry to Subsidize Coal

A diverse group of 12 energy industry associations representing oil, natural gas, wind, solar, efficiency, and other energy technologies today submitted comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in response to the Department of Energy’s (DOE) proposed rulemaking on grid resiliency pricing. In joint comments, this broad group… Read More

Joint Industry Comments Opposing October 2 DOE Proposal

   Pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (“FERC” or “Commission”) October 2, 2017 Notice Inviting Comments,1 the following entities2 (collectively, “Joint Industry Commenters”) submit these comments in response to the Secretary of Energy’s September 28, 2017 proposal of a rule for final action by the Commission (“DOE NOPR”)3 under… Read More

Comments on FERC NOPR in response to DOE’s October 2 Direction

Pursuant to the Notice issued on October 2, 2017, by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or the Commission) in response to the Department of Energy (DOE) direction on September 28, 2017, under Section 403 of the Department of Energy Organization Act (DOE Act) (42 U.S.C. § 7173) that FERC… Read More

INGAA supports efforts to enhance grid reliability and resilience

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America in comments filed Monday reaffirmed its confidence in the reliability and resilience of the interstate natural gas transmission network, and dismissed the Department of Energy’s contention that weather-related events justified propping up uneconomic coal and nuclear plants in wholesale electricity markets administered… Read More

INGAA Comments on United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Request for Input on Existing Regulations

 Dear Ms. Coulombe, The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) respectfully submits these comments in response to the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ (the “Corps’”) request for input on existing regulations that should be repealed, replaced or modified. 82 Fed. Reg. 33,470 (July 20, 2017). Specifically, the Corps… Read More

INGAA president praises quick Senate action to confirm PHMSA administrator

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, commended the Senate for its quick work in approving Howard Elliott as head of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration at the Department of Transportation. … Read More

INGAA president commends Senate committee approval of PHMSA administrator nominee

Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today commended the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee for voting to report favorably Howard Elliott as the head of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. “INGAA applauds the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation… Read More

Energy industry associations call on FERC to expand deliberative process before unprecedented rulemaking

A group of 11 energy industry associations representing natural gas, wind, solar, rural coops and other energy technologies today filed a motion at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) following the Department of Energy’s (DOE) proposed rulemaking on grid resiliency pricing. In their motion, energy industry associations called on… Read More

INGAA president �deeply disappointed� with DOE�s proposed grid resiliency pricing rule

Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today expressed deep disappointment in the Department of Energy’s proposed grid resiliency pricing rule: “We are deeply disappointed that the secretary would propose a FERC rulemaking that, if adopted, would so clearly favor a very limited… Read More

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Nothing says fall like friends getting together to eat good food and watch their favorite football team. Winning a game or even a championship is all about teamwork. The same is true when it comes to producing, transporting and distributing energy. It takes thousands of individuals doing a specific job… Read More

INGAA�s Comments On EPA�s Proposed Rule

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) respectfully submits these comments in response to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) proposed rule, Review of the Primary National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Oxides of Nitrogen (the proposed NO2 NAAQS rule).    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Over the years,… Read More

Jobs and Natural Gas

Natural gas plays a critical role in our daily lives. It is an ingredient in the products we use every day, and it is also used directly to fuel power plants as well as to heat American homes and businesses. But the impacts of natural gas go beyond just those… Read More

INGAA president lauds Senate introduction of pipeline permitting bill

Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today lauded Senate introduction of S. 1844 by Senators Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Angus King (I-ME) to improve interagency coordination in the review of proposed natural gas pipelines:  “We applaud Senators Inhofe and King for introducing this… Read More

Fueling Us Into the Space Age

NASA’s Cassini mission has come to an end. After 13 years and a 270 million mile trip, the school bus-sized spacecraft ends its voyage with a noble crash into Saturn’s atmosphere, collecting many insights important to understanding our solar system along the way. One fascinating discovery is that Saturn's moon,… Read More

INGAA president lauds FERC finding in Millennium declaratory order

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today lauded the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s declaratory order, finding that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation waived its section 401 authority by failing to act within one year on the water quality certification… Read More

Joint Association Letter to House Energy & Commerce Committee Concerning DOE Staff Report on Electricity Markets and Reliability.

Dear Chairman Walden, Ranking Member Pallone, Subcommittee Chairman Upton, and Subcommittee Ranking Member Rush:   The undersigned energy trade associations thank the Committee for holding an important hearing, Powering America: Defining Reliability in a Transforming Electricity Industry. In advance of this hearing, we would like to share our consensus with… Read More

Back to School

To the joy of parents and the dismay of children, school is back in session. Preparing for the first day means shopping for back-to-school supplies like pencils, backpacks, and the perfect first day outfit. But without natural gas, we wouldn’t have the things we need to jumpstart the school year. Read More

What is a Natural Gas Compressor Station?

We all know natural gas is important because it improves our daily lives in a myriad of ways. Natural gas helps heat our homes, cook meals, produce our favorite products and generates more than one third of the nation’s electricity. Without natural gas, life would be vastly different. Pipelines make… Read More

INGAA president urges quick action on PHMSA administrator candidate

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today lauded the White House for announcing its intent to nominate Howard R. Elliott as administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation.     “INGAA applauds the announcement… Read More