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Paul Amato Testifies Before the Senate Subcommittee on Transportation and Safety Regarding Reauthorization of the Pipeline Safety Act

Chairman Fischer, Ranking Member Duckworth, and Members of the Subcommittee: Good morning. My name is Paul Amato, and I am Vice President, Engineering, Operations, and Environmental, Health & Safety at Iroquois Pipeline Operating Company. Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P., through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Iroquois Pipeline Operating Company, operates a 416-mile… Read More

INGAA Written Statement on Reauthorization of Pipeline Safety Act Before House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads

Chairman Lipinski, Ranking Member Crawford, and Members of the Subcommittee: The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) is a trade association that represents the interstate natural gas pipeline industry. INGAA’s members transport the vast majority of the natural gas consumed in the United States through a network of… Read More

Joint Association Comments to DOT on Notice of Review of Guidance

The American Gas Association (AGA)1 , American Petroleum Institute (API)2 , American Public Gas Association (APGA)3 and Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA)4 (jointly “the Associations”) submit these comments for consideration by the Department of Transportation concerning the “Notice of Review of Guidance.” These comments pertain to guidance issued… Read More

Study Finds U.S. Transition to a Lower-Carbon Economy Supported Heavily by Natural Gas and Related Infrastructure

As the United States continues its evolution toward a lower-carbon economic future, natural gas will increasingly play a major role in supporting the deployment of renewable energy resources, concludes a new study commissioned by the INGAA Foundation. The study, The Role of Natural Gas in the Transition to a… Read More

Natural Gas and Related Infrastructure to Play Integral Role in U.S. Transition to a Lower-Carbon Economy

Natural gas will remain a significant contributor to the energy portfolio and to economic growth in the United States over the next two decades, playing a key role in meeting low-carbon goals, a new study commissioned by the INGAA Foundation finds.   Conducted by Black & Veatch Management Consulting, the… Read More

The Role of Natural Gas in the Transition to a Lower-Carbon Economy

The evolving role of natural gas continues to be at the forefront of US energy industry developments. This evolution to a lower carbon economy, including how growing renewable power generation and battery storage will affect gas-fired power generation, and the resulting effect on the utilization of midstream natural gas infrastructure… Read More

PHMSA Safety Regulations Must Reflect Industry Advancements

Demand for natural gas in the United States has risen significantly over the last decade, a trend driven in large part by the affordability, reliability and clean-burning qualities of natural gas. In addition to enabling the United States to cut carbon dioxide emissions faster than any other nation, natural gas… Read More

Record U.S. Natural Gas Production

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the deployment of renewable energy technologies have been recurring themes in the conversations this year surrounding Earth Day. In the United States, natural gas has proven to be a powerful ally in achieving these goals, enabling the United States to lead the globe in… Read More


The increased use of natural gas in the United States has been a catalyst for job creation, economic growth and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to meet the growing demand for natural gas, the United States needs additional natural gas pipeline capacity. The existing regulatory framework governing… Read More

INGAA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Orders

Don Santa, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s executive orders announced today:   “We are pleased that the administration is building upon earlier actions to streamline the permitting and review process for critical energy… Read More

Energy Industry and Pipeline Safety Groups Joined by U.S. Senators in Support of Proposed PHMSA Gas Transmission Pipeline Safety Rule

On March 6, 2019, a bipartisan group of senators sent a letter to officials at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) advocating for the swift adoption of a proposed update to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA’s) gas transmission pipeline safety regulations. The letter sent to DOT Secretary… Read More

Lack of Natural Gas Infrastructure in New York

Throughout New York and New England, demand for natural gas has risen considerably in recent years as consumers and businesses gradually realize the numerous advantages natural gas provides as an energy source. However, as demand for natural gas has grown in the region, so too has opposition to the construction… Read More

CQ-G-3 Practical Risk Ranking

CQ-G-3_Practical Risk Ranking_rev0.pdfDownload… Read More

Workforce Development Efforts

Workforce development efforts.PNGDownload… Read More

Natural Gas Proved Resilient During Recent Cold Snap

At the end of January, substantial stretches of the country braced themselves for what turned out to be record-breaking cold temperatures. Schools and businesses closed, flights were cancelled, and some Midwesterners demonstrated that boiling water, when tossed from a stockpot, froze before hitting the ground. It was cold. Chicago… Read More

America’s Natural Gas Transporters’ Commitment to Landowners

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Commitments to Landowners

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Commitments to Pipeline Security

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Multi-Group Letter to DOT Secretary Chao in Support of PHMSA Gas Transmission Rule

Secretary Chao: Our organizations write to express support for the Department of Transportation’s pending gas transmission pipeline safety rule.  As public safety advocates and representatives of natural gas transmission pipeline companies, we encourage you to act expeditiously to advance this important update to the regulations of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials… Read More

INGAA Statement on President Trump�s State of the Union Address

Don Santa, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s State of the Union address:   “We are encouraged that the President continues to prioritize development of critical infrastructure. Expanding natural gas infrastructure is essential to… Read More