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Underground gas transmission pipelines are classified according to the presence of human populations in their proximity. These classifications are governed by PHMSA regulation (49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 192.5) and industry standards. Operations, maintenance and integrity management requirements and acceptable operational conditions are more stringent with increasing class… Read More
Dear Docket Clerk: The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), a trade association of the interstate natural gas pipeline industry, respectfully submits these comments in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule, “Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards for New and Modified Sources Reconsideration” (Proposed Rule). Read More
In June 2018, INGAA provided several documents to EPA regarding fugitive emissions data to substantiate its position that fugitive emissions monitoring at compressor stations should be less frequent than quarterly. EPA’s review of that material is provided in an EPA memo titled “EPA Analysis of Fugitive Emissions Data Provided by… Read More
Dear Ms. Hambrick, The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), a trade association that represents members of the interstate natural gas pipeline industry, respectfully submits these comments in response to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) request for input on its proposed reconsideration of amendments to the new… Read More
The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America and its member companies are committed to building and maintaining strong, positive working relationships with landowners. Since a pipeline will be on a landowner’s land for many years to come, we recognize the importance of being a good neighbor and steward of the… Read More
The INGAA Foundation’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the election of Susan Waller, a long time natural gas industry executive as the new chair of the organization. Additionally, the Board elected Marty Jorgensen to serve as the Foundation’s vice chair. “Susan and Marty each have tremendous and wide-ranging… Read More
Dear Majority Leader McConnell and Democratic Leader Schumer: The undersigned organizations represent a broad constituency of industries, companies, and labor unions who build and provide equipment, materials, supplies, services, and human capital to energy infrastructure projects. Our broad group relies on that infrastructure to produce and deliver the energy that… Read More
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is one of the most important, talented and productive energy regulatory bodies in the country. FERC is the U.S. federal agency charged with regulating a wide range of energy functions, including the interstate transmission and sale for resale of electricity by electric utilities,… Read More
INGAA Appoints C.J. Osman as Vice President of Government Affairs The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) is pleased to announce that Christopher “C.J.” Osman has been appointed Vice President of Government Affairs. Mr. Osman will lead the association’s government and political affairs efforts… Read More
In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, INGAA Foundation members are taking steps to protect our workers and the people in the communities where we work as we stay committed to our dedication to “Create and maintain a safe and reliable natural gas pipeline system that serves the energy… Read More
INGAA Congratulates President-Elect Biden INGAA President and CEO Amy Andryszak issued the following statement on the election of Joseph R. Biden as the 46th President of the United States of America: “We congratulate President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris and look forward to working with… Read More
By Stanley Chapman III, Chairman, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America After a spring and summer of troubling activity that could have far-reaching impacts on energy infrastructure, I think it’s critical that we at INGAA take a moment to address the importance of permitting predictability. This troubling activity I refer… Read More
INGAA Appoints Amy Andryszak as New President and CEO Andryszak brings years of bipartisan public policy work and energy industry experience to natural gas pipeline trade association. After an extensive search, the Chairman of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) announced… Read More
Protecting the safety of employees, the environment and the communities in which we operate is the number one priority for natural gas pipeline operators. Robust planning, programming and regulatory requirements put safety at the top of mind during every step of a pipeline’s design, construction, operation and ongoing maintenance. Read More
This guidance document is the result of a Joint Industry Project with sixteen pipeline operators. It provides a summary of recommended and suggested processes and steps that pipeline operators can use to provide a consistent framework for proactively managing landslide hazards that can or may affect their pipeline systems. The… Read More
Call 811 Before You Dig so 911 is Not Needed One of the notable physical attributes of the U.S. natural gas pipeline network is that it is predominately located underground. This unique characteristic largely protects natural gas pipelines from the effects of inclement weather, like hurricanes and tornados. Read More
CS-G-3_Safety Orientation Communication_rev1.pdfDownload… Read More