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Displacing Imported Oil with Natural Gas

Last year’s invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi forces and the resulting Persian Gulf war have again thrown into question our degree of dependence on foreign oil. While the world oil market has adjusted to the Persian Gulf events and the U.S. is not in immediate danger of an oil… Read More

FERC NEPA Critical Path Study

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) is a primary liaison organization representing the Natural Gas Industry and, as such is closely involved in support activities relating to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review/approval process. Any project that constitutes a "major federal… Read More

Public Attitudes Toward Natural Gas and Interstate Pipelines

Among the major sources of energy used in the United States, natural gas enjoys an outstanding image. Compared to oil, coal, and nuclear power, it is considered to be the safest to use, the best for the environment, the most acceptable for widespread use, (he most economical, and responsible… Read More

Impediments to New Natural Gas Markets

NEW MARKETS FOR GAS Faced with natural gas consumption that fell 27% between 1972 and 1986 and has only recently begun to recover, the natural gas industry must expand to new or under-utilized markets that can fuel future growth. Three markets appear most attractive, offering the possibility of… Read More

Common Codes of Transfer Points on Natural Gas Pipelines (GAS*CODE)

Dwights, under the direction of the INGAA Information Services Committee, completed the design, development, and commercial introduction of GAS*CODE, a data base of pipeline transferlreceipt points where nominations or gas title change can take place. The first commercial release included over 30,000 transferlreceipt points provided by eighteen interstate… Read More

Analyses Related to the Impact of Air Quality Regulation on the Natural Gas Transmission Industry

This report presents the results of a program of analysis and study performed during 1991 on Clean Air Act regulations which impact the natural gas transmission industry. This program is sponsored by the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Foundation. The objectives of this work program are to enhance… Read More

Gas Compressor Industry Noise Regulation and Control Review Handbook

In July 1991, Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E & E), was contracted by The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America Foundation, Inc. (INGAA), to review noise legislation and investigate noise-control techniques that apply to the natural gas transmission industry. Data collected were to be summarized and made available to… Read More

Keeping up with Environmental Externality Developments

During the past two years, the term environmental externalities has become increasingly important in energy industries. The economic concept of externalities has been around for a long time, but state requirements that electric utilities factor environmental externalities into plans and decisions are a relatively new development. State environmental… Read More

AGA v. FERC ROFR Joint Brief of Intervenors INGAA and DEGT Pipelines in Support of Respondent 2-22-05

INGAA and the DEGT Pipelines, the Intervenors in Support of Respondent (hereinafter “Intervenors”), adopt the Commission’s statement of the ROFR issue: Whether the Commission reasonably concluded that no term-matching cap was necessary for the right of first refusal because existing regulatory controls prevent the exercise of pipeline… Read More

Energy Taxes: Their Impacts on Energy Markets

The Clinton Administration recently proposed a modified Btu tax on energy. Before the announcement, a variety of taxes was being considered, both broad-based (e.g., Btu, carbon, ad valorem and VAT) and fuel-specific (motor fuels and the oil import fee). Some of these are still being considered by Congress and others. Read More

Regulatory Treatment of Recoating Costs

This paper examines current federal regulations of interstate natural gas pipelines with regard to their treatment of recoating costs. These regulations require that costs associated with recoating be expensed in the year incurred. The analysis presented in this paper concludes that permitting pipelines to capitalize recoating costs would result in… Read More

Survey on Natural Gas Research

The natural gas industry is simultaneously undergoing fundamental structural change and being challenged to cultivate an array of new market opportunities. To successfully navigate through this period of transition, meet the needs of energy consumers, and capture the market potential for gas, the industry must carefully assess its market opportunities… Read More

Future Capacity Expansion of Natural Gas Pipelines and Storage in North America

The INGAA Foundation is an organization made up largely of suppliers to the natural gas industry, including manufacturers of linepipe, pipe coatings, compressors, valves and metering equipment. Gas pipelines make up the remainder of the Foundation membership. The Foundation commissioned Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc (EEA) to perform this study… Read More

Profile of Intrastate Gas Pipelines

This report focuses on the major intrastate natural gas pipelines operating in Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas, the intrastate gas market. Major findings of the report are as follows: Intrastate gas pipelines represent an important component of their respective markets. These pipelines own 53 percent of the total transmission miles, and… Read More

Fuel Cycle Analysis: Issues and Comparative Case Studies With a Practical Approach

The costs associated with the development of energy resources and protection of the environment have grown in importance to the energy industry, federal and state governments, and energy customers. The INGAA Foundation (Foundation) engaged R. J. Rudden Associates, Inc. (RJRA) to review available analyses and perform a set of fuel… Read More

Wetland Mitigation Banking For the Oil and Gas Industry

Mitigating the environmental impacts on wetland ecosystems of oil and gas exploration, production, and transportation is a critical issue in the development of national oil and gas resources. One option for impact mitigation under well-defined circumstances is wetland banking. With this process, credits are provided or wetland acreage is created,… Read More

Natural Gas for Electric Generation: Realizing the Potential

For a wide variety of reasons, many industry analysts believe that the amount of natural gas used for electric generation by utilities, independent power producers (IPPs), and industrial and commercial cogenerators will increase dramatically in the United States over the next 10 to 15 years. In its 1994… Read More

Natural Gas Vehicles: A Fleet Operator’s Guide to Power

There are now over one million natural gas vehicles in use worldwide. Natural gas is a high quality transportation fuel which has been proposed as a method for: Reducing fuel costs Reducing vehicle emissions Meeting legislative mandates Improving vehicle safety This report attempts to summarize current information on… Read More

1994 Meeting Summary: Natural Gas for Electricity Generation

At the request of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) Foundation, The Keystone Center facilitated a meeting of high level representatives from the electric and gas industries in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on March 1 6- 1 8, 1994. The roundtable discussions were an opportunity for a diverse… Read More

International Gas Pipeline Expansion Study – 1995 Update

While global energy consumption has remained almost static since 1990, demand for natural gas has continued to rise: its share of the primary energy market across the world has now reached 23% (or over 70 trillion cubic feet (tco in volume terns) according to the 1994 BP review of… Read More