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Natural Gas Pipeline and Storage Infrastructure Projections Through 2030 Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OCTOBER 20, 2009  CONTACT: Richard Hoffmann (202-216-5909) Multi-Billion Dollar Investments in Natural Gas Infrastructure Required to Meet Projected Long-Term Supply and Demand Outlook New Study Indicates Robust Domestic Supply Outlook and Growth from Electric Generation as Key Drivers Over Next Two Decades WASHINGTON, D.C. – Projected… Read More

Natural Gas Pipeline and Storage Infrastructure Projections Through 2030

Abstract: The Natural Gas Pipeline and Storage Infrastructure Projections Through 2030 study, analyzes future natural gas infrastructure requirements under various market scenarios. It projects a range of investment from $133 to $210 billion in infrastructure over the next 20 years (between $6 and $10 billion per year), primarily to attach… Read More

Allowance for Funds Used During Construction INGAA Motion to Interevene and Request for Rehearing 9-28-09

  INGAA seeks rehearing of the Commission’s order of August 27, 2009, in Southern Natural Gas Co., et al., 128 FERC ¶ 61,198 (“Order Granting Abandonment Authority and Issuing Certificates”) and its order of September 4, 2009 in Ruby Pipeline, LLC, 128 FERC ¶ 61,224 (“Preliminary Determination On Non-Environmental Issues”).  … Read More

NAESB Standards INGAA Comments 9-08-09

INGAA supports the Commission’s proposal to adopt NAESB standards for index-based pricing of capacity releases and flexible receipt and delivery points in accordance with the foregoing comments, and respectfully requests that the Commission defer implementation of final standards for index pricing of releases and flexible points until an appropriate time… Read More

TSA Pipeline Operator Security Information Comments

On September 28, 2009, INGAA filed comments addressing the Transportation Security Administration’s proposal to solicit contact information and establish a voluntary incident reporting program as part of it forthcoming Pipeline Security Guidelines.  INGAA does not oppose TSA collecting contact information for pipeline security managers.  INGAA raises four objections to TSA’s… Read More

PHMSA “Standards Barrel” Filing

INGAA supports the proposed incorporation of updated consensus standards into 49 C.F.R. Part 192 (“Part 192”).  INGAA and its members participate in many of the committees responsible for developing these standards, and INGAA recognizes that the value of the consensus process cannot be fully… Read More

INGAA Comments to U.S. EPA proposed Rule

INGAA is concerned that the NO2 NAAQS Proposal could result in onerous regulatory requirements for NOx sources throughout the U.S., without commensurate societal benefit or compelling evidence that the proposed 1-hour standard is necessary to protect public health and welfare.  In addition, NO2 will continue… Read More

The Interstate Natural Gas Infrastructure Authorization Process

The INGAA Foundation, Inc. prepared an analysis of the process by which natural gas pipeline and storage facilities are approved to provide service in interstate commerce in the United States.  The study presents a review of the evolution of the process from the Natural Gas Act of 1938 through the… Read More

PHMSA’s One Rule Comments and Appendix A

INGAA appreciates PHMSA’s interest in improving its incident, infrastructure and performance database.  Consistent with this focus, the proposed definition of “incident” should be substantially modified to reflect the central role that risk plays in distinguishing incidents from other events.  INGAA urges a number of revisions, and specifically objects to the… Read More

Endangered Species Act Section 7 Comments

INGAA’s members and the Services have a mutual interest in improving the efficiency of the conference and consultation processes implementing section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”).  For interstate pipelines, improved efficiency speeds the ESA consultation process and makes it more predictable and less costly.  For the Services, improved… Read More

Critical Skills Forecast For The Natural Gas Transmission Industry (F-2009-02)

This INGAA Foundation report forecasts the most critical skills for the natural gas pipeline industry workforce.  By identifying positions that are expected to be in short supply and critical functions in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of pipelines, this study locates the highest risk "intersections" of workforce and tasks… Read More

Don Santa Response to Jeff Wiese Construction Concern Letter and Response from PHMSA on the INGAA Action Plan on Pipe Quality

The following letter is Don Santa’s response to Jeff Wiese’s letter denoting construction conerns and outlining PHMSA’s reaction to INGAA’s action plan regarding pipe quality.  This letter has been shared with the INGAA Board of Directors, the Foundation Board of Directors, and various INGAA committees. Read More

Validation of Direct Natural Gas Use to Reduce CO2 Emissions

The increased use of natural gas in homes and businesses (“direct use”) is a form of energy efficiency which will make an important contribution in assisting many states and the nation in attaining energy efficiency and carbon reduction targets. States should be encouraged to include increased direct use of natural… Read More

Natural Gas Council Comments to EPA: GHG Emissions Reporting Rule

NGC understands EPA’s goal in developing the Proposed Rule is to obtain data of sufficient quality to support climate change policies and regulations, while at the same time minimizing the Proposed Rule’s administrative burdens – both by excluding small emitters and by crafting requirements that are consistent with existing greenhouse… Read More

INGAA Comments to EPA: GHG Emissions Reporting Rule

EPA proposed a rule for the mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases (hereinafter referred to as the GHG Reporting Rule) in the Federal Register on April 10, 2009. The GHG Reporting Rule revises a number of mobile source rules in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) and stationary… Read More

Natural Gas Council Whitepapers on Natural Gas Interchangeability and Gas Quality

  Objective of the Gas Interchangeability Report The objective of this white paper is to define acceptable ranges of natural gas characteristics that can be consumed by end users while maintaining safety, reliability, and environmental performance. It is important to recognize that this objective applies equally to imported LNG and… Read More

INGAA Comments to EPA: ICE NESHAP Revisions Proposed Rule

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), submits comments on the U.S. EPA’s proposed rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) for Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE), hereinafter referred to as the “Proposed Rule”. The proposal, which would revise 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ, was published in… Read More

INGAA Congressional Letter on Bonus Depreciation

The attached letter to House and Senate tax writing committees asks that they consider extending the bonus depreciation for capital expenditures contained in recent stimulus legislation, for those projects like pipelines that have longer construction and approval lead times. Read More

SPCC Support Letter Request for a Minimum One Year Extension of Implementation Date

With all of the amendments and changes to the SPCC rule, the regulated community is placed in a race against time to comply, assuming the current 2009 implementation dates are not extended. The amendments have significantly altered many elements of the 2002 SPCC rule, which will require fiscal planning and… Read More

INGAA Comments to EPA: Effluent Limitations Guidelines

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) submits the following comments in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NOPR”) in this docket, 73 Fed. Reg. 72562 (November 28, 2008). INGAA has reviewed the NOPR in detail and is very concerned about its potential… Read More