Revisions to the Blanket Certificate Regulations and Clarification Regarding Rates INGAA Rehearing 7-23-07

Pursuant to Rules 203(a) and 713 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR §§ 203(a) and 713, the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (“INGAA”) requests clarification and/or rehearing with respect to one matter presented by the Commission’s Order No. 686-A, Revisions to the Blanket Certificate Regulations and Clarification Regarding Rates, 117 FERC ¶ 61,303 (Order on Rehearing and Clarification, issued June 22, 2007). 

To the extent the Commission does not correct the matter through clarification – whether the Commission erred in ruling that a company may not rely on the provisions of 18 CFR 157.216(b)(2) to abandon facilities that were constructed under case-specific authorization, but which facilities would qualify under blanket certificate regulation standards in effect at the time of the abandonment – the Commission erred and INGAA seeks rehearing.