INGAA Statement on Supreme Court Granting Cert in PennEast Appeal of Third Circuit Decision



Contact: Amy Conway, 713-306-6323



INGAA Statement on Supreme Court Granting Cert in PennEast Appeal of Third Circuit Decision

Amy Andryszak, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), issued the following statement on the Supreme Court of the United States granting the petition for certiorari in PennEast Pipeline Company LLC v New Jersey:

“The Court’s decision to hear this case is a positive step. As INGAA made clear in our amicus brief, if this case is left to stand it would upend 80 years of precedent and overturn congressional intent. We believe the arguments put forward by PennEast are sound and will prevail following oral arguments later this year.”


INGAA represents the U.S. natural gas pipeline industry. INGAA’s members deliver clean, abundant, affordable natural gas throughout North America and operate approximately 200,000 miles of pipelines that serve as an indispensable link between natural gas producers and consumers.