INGAA commends National Petroleum Council �prudent development� report

WASHINGTON— Don Santa, president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today released the following statement, commending the work of the National Petroleum Council on its Prudent Development: Realizing the Potential of North America’s Abundant Natural Gas and Oil Resources report:

“This important report demonstrates natural gas’ increasingly central role in our nation’s energy future. Technological advances that have allowed producers to tap abundant shale gas resources have transformed the North American natural gas supply picture. This has allowed the U.S. to move from a position, just a decade ago, of planning to import increasing amounts of natural gas from abroad to envisioning now both exports and new, expanded domestic natural gas markets.

“This report shows that natural gas is a driver of the U.S. economy, and that its development, transmission and consumption create American jobs. These and other benefits, including environmental improvements, increased energy security and stable, competitive prices, only will grow with additional domestic gas use.

“This can happen only if our leaders ensure that the nation’s regulatory and investment climate continues to promote the pipeline expansion that will be necessary to accommodate both growing natural gas supplies, especially from the prolific shale areas, and growing demand, largely for power generation. The INGAA Foundation, the research arm of INGAA, released a study this summer that estimated that the U.S. and Canada will require average annual natural gas midstream investment of about $8.2 billion over the next 25 years. The North American natural gas industry has a proven track record of constructing and financing this level of infrastructure. We are committed and prepared to do our part to help natural gas reach its potential. It’s too important for the nation’s economy, energy security and environmental protection not to.”

INGAA is the North American association representing the interstate and interprovincial natural gas pipeline industry.


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