EPA Final Rules � Spark Ignition IC Engine NSPS and IC Engine NESHAP Amendments

The EPA signed the Final IC Engine Rules on December 20 and posted the signature version on-line on December 21.  The Final Rule was published in the Federal Register today, January 18, 2008.  The "consolidated" rule includes the Spark Ignition IC Engine NSPS (Part 60, Subpart JJJJ) and amendments to the IC Engine NESHAP (aka RICE MACT – Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ).  Since this is a "Major Rule", the effective date is March 18, 2008 which is 60 days after publication.
The attached memo provides a summary of rule requirements and significant changes since the rule proposal.  The outcome of key INGAA comments are summarized, including remaining questions / concerns that are not well-resolved.  The EPA Response to Comments document for the rulemaking was recently posted on-line, and a supplementary memo will be provided later that more thoroughly details EPA’s response to INGAA’s comments.