INGAA Foundation Releases a Suite of Safety Guidelines for High Energy Hazards

The INGAA Foundation is leading the way in improving safety performance in pipeline construction by advocating a shift from traditional metrics, such as Total Recordable Injury Rates (TRIR), to a proactive approach centered on incident prevention. This strategy emphasizes understanding and mitigating high-consequence, low-frequency safety incidents, also known as Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs). 

Project champion Brad MacLean highlights the collaborative effort behind this initiative: “This… represents thousands of man-hours from our team, the development of the PCSR [Pipeline Construction Safety Roundtable], contributions from advanced engineering students at CU Boulder, and many others.” 

As part of this work, the Foundation has released a comprehensive white paper and updated several Construction Safety & Quality Guidelines (CSQG) to incorporate high-energy hazard concepts.


Updated Guidelines: