INGAA president comments on State of the Union address

Don Santa, president and chief executive officer of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, today urged Congress to remember that pipelines are critical infrastructure that support the nation’s economy as it begins work on President Trump’s infrastructure package, to be discussed in tonight’s State of the Union address:


“Unlike many other infrastructure projects, natural gas pipelines are financed with private capital. Natural gas pipeline companies are ready – and eager – to invest billions of dollars in infrastructure and can deploy this capital more quickly and efficiently if we have a rational, timely and predictable process for reviewing and permitting proposed projects. The current approval process has become clogged by delay, and therefore threatens the availability of private investment for future natural gas infrastructure projects. We hope the administration and Congress move forward with effective permitting reforms.


“We applaud the president for his recognition of the importance of infrastructure, including energy infrastructure. Natural gas pipelines are essential to our economy. They are an indispensable link, bringing abundant, affordable domestic energy supply to families, power plants, businesses and manufacturers.”